The biggest challenges our kids will face:

What is my mission in life going to be?

Who is my mate going to be?

Who is my master going to be?

Put another way: What am I going to do with my life?  Who will I spend my life with?  Who will I live it for?

God has not called us to raise safe kids; He’s called us to raise strong ones. He hasn’t called us to raise popular kids; He’s called us to raise spiritually potent ones.

True greatness: grace that demonstrates itself in the attitudes of humility and gratefulness that ultimately lead to the actions of generosity and a servant attitude.

What does humility look like in our children’s daily lives?

They don’t play to the crowd when they score the winning run or plunge over the goal line for the decisive touchdown.

They don’t have to be first in line, insist on their way, or automatically be in charge—regardless of their leadership capabilities.

They don’t brag about their possessions or the privileges that accompany their parents’ wealth.

They graciously accept a compliment without a self-effacing comeback.

They accept victory modestly and lose with their heads held high.

What does gratefulness look like in our children’s daily lives?

They don’t whine about what they don’t have or complain about what they do have.

They take good care of what has been provided for them.

They verbally express their appreciation to the people who sacrifice to help them (teachers, coaches, food servers, Sunday school teachers, youth workers, and so on).

They view each day with a joyful attitude regardless of the setbacks that might come their way.

They focus on the good things in their lives and the good qualities in the people they encounter.

What does generosity look like in our children’s daily lives?

They view everything they have as belonging to God.

They set aside a portion of their allowance, gifts, or income to give back to God and to invest in others.

It’s second nature for them to offer the biggest piece of pie or the last cookie to someone else.

They gladly surrender their rooms or their stuff when somebody needs it more.

They look for ways to make someone happy with what they have to offer (toys, clothes, food, friendship, skills, talents, and so on).

What does a servant attitude look like in our children’s daily lives?

They don’t grumble or complain when they are asked to do their chores.

They look for ways to help people who need a hand up in life.

They realize that serving others isn’t always personally appreciated or publicly recognized, and they don’t take it personally.

Before they leave a gathering, they do everything they can to help the host put everything back in order.

Instead of expecting to be waited on at home, they assume responsibility for themselves and offer to help their parents and siblings.

Of the 4 characteristics of grace being lived out loud—serving others—is without doubt the key to making all of the others happen.  Bottom line: people who don’t live with an attitude of constantly being available to serve the needs of others can never have the words “truly great” describe them.

If you want to be happy and influence your children to greatness, serving other people needs to be an attitude that summarizes your life.

Abundant thinking vs. Scarcity thinking

Scarcity thinkers start with the presupposition that life is finite:






Abundant thinkers start with the presupposition that all good things n life have no boundaries.  When it comes to what life has to offer, they assume that there is plenty for everyone.

When you assume that all the good things in life are unlimited, you automatically focus outward.  Life becomes one grand opportunity to make a positive difference.

Abundant thinkers assume the following:

The best ideas haven’t been thought up yet.

The best books have yet to be written.

The best companies have yet to be incorporated.

The best songs have yet to be sung.

The best sermons haven’t been preached yet.

The best years of their marriage are still ahead.

The best memories of their family are waiting to be made.

The common denominator of parents who raise kids for true greatness is that God is their life.

If misery loves company, then I can guarantee you that true greatness loves it too.  And just as broken people tend to gravitate to broken people, truly great people tend to gravitate to others who share their value system.

The primary reason truly great people have better marriages and enjoy more economic success.  Two words: “low maintenance”.  People who are humble, grateful, generous and have a servant attitude are naturally balanced when it comes to day-to-day challenges.  They are easier to live with, to laugh with, and to love on.  They don’t run up irrational debt or need to live extravagant lives.  Their egos aren’t out of control which makes them quick to process conflict.  If you want to set your child up to enjoy a peaceful, passionate, and productive marriage relationship, just raise them for true greatness.